BANDUNG/LAMPUNG. Rasul Distrik Urs Hebeisen, president of New Apostolic Church South East Asia, serving the children of God in Lampung, Sumatra, in the last week of October and 1 November 2009. The culmination of the visit was on the divine service for the departed at Kalirejo church on Sunday, November 1, 2009.
On the first day of his visit, Tuesday (27/10) the District Apostle serving 362 of our brothers in the Sumber Agung. Used as the basis passage for the service
Ephesians 4:23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
District Apostle Church urged the congregation to allow ourselves to be renewed by the Holy Spirit continually. “Power to continually update was available and the Holy Spirit leads us to reach these power. Nevertheless, not everything can happen automatically, we also have to work at” he asserted.
After the service, District Apostle and party stopped at the Sand Sakti to look the renovation of the church there.
The next day, the District Apostles and followers to visit the congregation Gedong Aji. District Apostle perform the service with passages from
Daniel 10:18,19 Then again, the one having the likeness of a man touched me and strengthened me. And he said, “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!”
District Apostle in his sermon focuses on God always touches us in order to become strong and get a blessing!
In service, the District Apostle ordain District Evangelist Trius Joko Prayitno to become a District Elder and Sheperd Tuyisman, Evangelist Sunarno and Evangelist David Eko Prasetyo to become District Evangelists.
At the end of the visit, he was amazed that in a rural area there is a full congregation joy with a large church building.