BANDUNG/PAPUA.District Apostle Urs Hebeisen, the president of the New Apostolic Church South East Asia, visited the congregations in Papua, which is located at the eastern end of Indonesia from 5 to December 11, 2009. In this first visit, he was followed Apostle Edy Isnugroho, Apostle Aimol Wasimbai (Papua New Guinea) and District Elder Jonathan.
District Apostle and his entourage visited the congregation in Sentani (Jayapura) on Saturday (5 / 12), Wirmaker (Biak) on Sunday (6 / 12), Samabusa (Nabire) on Monday (7 / 12), Pasirido (Manokwari) in Wednesday (9 / 12) and Km-26 (Sorong) on Thursday (10/12).
In each time DA Hebeisen meet and serve our brothers and sisters, he always greeted with the words: “Aku mencintai engkau, maka aku datang menjumpai dan melayanimu.”, In English it means is “I love you, so I came to meet and serve you.”
In its service in English translated into Indonesian by Apostle Edy Isnugroho, there are 5 important things to emphasize are:
- This is the finger of God. (Exodus 8:19)
- Light and great joy. (Isaiah 9: 1.2)
- God is the source of steadfastness and encouragement grant harmony. Glorify God. (Romans 15: 5.6)
- Knowledge and recognition in the light of Christ. (John 8:12)
- You are the light of the world. (Matthew 5: 14-16)
In addition to divine services, District Apostle held a fellowship dinner with the administration brothers in Manokwari on Tuesday (8 / 12).
District Apostle hope that brothers and sisters can grow and in the congregation rejoices. Thus, it will come new congregation. Perseverance and cooperation are necessary among the administration brothers.
In the divine service at Pasirido, District Apostle ordain Priest Filep Wamafma to be an Evangelist for the congragations in Manokwari.
Karena ada keterlambatan penerbangan dari Sorong ke Manokwari selama 3,5 jam pada Kamis (10/12), Rasul Distrik mempergunakan waktu untuBecause there were flight delay from Sorong to Manokwari for 3.5 hours on Thursday (10/12), District Apostle uses the time to drop into a small congregation / service post in Sowi to hold a meeting.
In between his visits, he gave an impressive understanding of prayer for health. We ask health; of health: physical, to be able to work; spirit, to be able to receive teaching; soul, to be love, and to be able to cope with psychological stress.
District Apostle, Apostle A. Wasimbai from PNG and Apostle Edy, in the visit and the ministry experience great joy, and the brothers and sisters are also welcome and take it off with great joy.
During the visit, and serving the congregations in Papua, is present in divine services 726 souls including the guest.