Over 800 young Brothers and Sisters gathered in Kaliurang near Jakarta. From as far as Bali the youth travelled many hours for joyful moments of fellowship and seminars, discussions as well as various presentations of musicals, dramas and renditions. Saturday evening was highlighted by a bazaar of various products from the sub districts on display. Art work and historical accounts of the 150years church history and much more was shared with each other. The District Apostle served inspired by the thoughts of Chief Apostle Schneider’s first Youth Day. 1. Thessalonians 1:2-3. Let us do the work of faith, labor in love but also be patient in hope. Believe, love, live and share, it is your faith, your church and your future.
The same weekend, some 650 km away, in Jakarta a family day was organized. Over 1200 participants gathered in South Tangerang. Various activities brought together children, youth and seniors. Games and various seminars were designed to foster the bonds of family. Children had to compose a love letter to their parents among other activities. The divine service conducted by the Bishop Samuel Tansahtikno was based on 1. Timothy 3: part of 15 ‘… You may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.’