Our heavenly Father has called home his faithful servant Bishop in retirement ALBERTUS WIDODO. Quite unexpectedly (Tuesday, Nov. 26) afternoon at about 3:00 at the age of 66 years after suffering a short illness at a hospital.
Funeral and consolation service will be conducted by the Apostle Samuel Hadiwidagdo on
Day / Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Time: 11.00 WIT
Location: Sukosari, Lampung Tengah
Here a few details out of the biography of the Bishop:
- 18/06/1947 Born in Langenrejo, Purworejo, Yogyakarta
- 16/09/1956 Baptized and Sealed by Apostle M. Martosudarmo in Langenrejo, Central Java
- 12/08/1973 Married to sister Indarti Widodo in Yogyakarta
- 20/03/1983 Priest
- 16/12/1990 Evangelist
- 17/07/1992 District Evangelist
- 01/09/1996 District Elder
- 29/01/1999 Bishop, Ordination by Chief Apostle R. Fehr in Yogyakarta
- 08/07/2012 Retirement by Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber in Kuala Lumpur
The dear Bishop served the Lord zealously and faithfully for 30 years, thirteen years thereof as an Bishop.
The Bishop leaves his wife Indarti and two children behind. One of his son is District Evangelist David Eko Prasetyo. Our sympathy is with his wife and the children and all mourning families. We shall include them in our sincere intercessions that they may receive abundant comfort and strength from ourheavenly Father in these difficult hours of parting.