Sunday, 25th October 2015. Our new church in Sumberagung (Region Lampung), Indonesia, was dedicated. In the 1950ties families from Cilacap,Central Java migrated to Sumatra and settled for farming. Some eventually ended in this part of Lampung and on 7th March 1979 the first divine service was conducted in Sumberagung. 4 families gathered at the beginning in humble bamboo rooms but the congregation grew over the years and has today 123 souls in its records.
In February 2015 the Regent came personally for the ground breaking ceremony and on Saturday 24th October, the Camat (Subdistrict Head) represented the authorities in an official act of church inauguration. The District Apostle, together with Apostle Isnugroho and Hadiwidagdo, dedicated the new building as God’s House in a sermon based on the word from Ephesians 2: 19-22.
“again we see how God’s work was established by migration. Abraham migrated, Israel was on the move and throughout centuries congregations came into being by migrating Christians and missionaries. Also many Brothers and Sisters in our Church history went to new places but did not leave their faith behind” The District Apostle elaborated. The sermon focused on verse 21 where it says:
“…in Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord”
Not just part of a building but the whole structure, from foundation and cornerstone to the roof. The whole building of congregation, includes our loved ones from the beyond who are also needed for the dwelling of God’s Spirit. We are thankful today to see this happening in beautiful buildings like this, however the next structure, where the wedding chamber is, will be much more glorious. Let us never leave the foundation nor forget the cornerstone and we will be part of the completed, perfect household of God; not as stangers or foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints.
At the end of the divine service the choir, the children, the Youth with Anklung and a violin quartet filled the new church with sounds of joy