The Indonesia tournee of the District Apostle was completed with a visit in Medan. The travelling group was very warmly received by the children and after the Divine Service a colorful presentation with music, song and dance tuned all in for the coming Sunday of “Amnesty of Grace” The divine service for the departed was in focus throughout the trip. In summary in one sentence
“the Grace of God, the sacrifice of Jesus brings us up from the horrible pit of separation from God and the miry clay of sin, to stand on a rock and make established steps; I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord by serving Him with gladness” (Psalm 40:2-3, 118:17 and 100:2)
The divine service for the departed with sacraments offered was celebrated then in Ipoh/Malaysia together with the Apostles, Wolf, Isnugroho, Hadiwidagdo, Pascual and Bual, at Saint John Ambulance Hall and based on 1. John 5:5
“faith in Jesus brings triumph over evil. In the time of Jesus, the time of the first Christian churches, today, on earth and in the beyond and in the future as well”
When we are in the middle of life and surrounded by death, we also want to be convinced that in the midst of death we are embraced with life” (J. Calvin)