The District Apostle Urs Hebeisen is about to tour Indonesia from 28th April to 9th May. First stop, on 28th May was Kedoya congregation in Jakarta. The mid-week service refered to Genesis 21:19 “And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink”. A mother and her child in distress. God opened her eye, she could see the well of water, but she had to go and fill her vessel to quench the thirst of her boy and safe his life.
We are at times also in distress and look for help, maybe spiritual survival is at stake. The Lord Jesus promised the help of the Father. Jesus is today our well of water. In His own words: “Water by which we will never thirst again” In every situation we shall look to our savior Jesus. We find Him active in the word of life from the altar, He grants our needs in His own way and time, maybe not always an awful lot at one time, but continuously, daily. Trust Him and gain many victories with Him.
3 children and 1 brother was sealed on this divine service. The visit had another special note. It coincided with the birthday of Apostle Edy Isnugroho. The congregation sung “Happy Birthday” for the Apostle and everyone who had birthday on the month of April.