One aspect of the glory of Jesus Christ is he knows us. He knows every and each of us. The story as the basis of the divine service is known as the calling of the disciples by Jesus. “Nathanael said to Him, ‘How do You know me?’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.’ Nathanael answered and said to Him, ‘Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!'” (John 1:48-49). With these words, he conducted a festive divine service in Jakarta last Sunday, 7th May 2023.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and we believe that He knows us and that’s why we follow Him. Jesus Christ knew us before He called us. “And our story is like the story of the disciples. Each one has been called in a different way,” said the Chief Apostle. Some disciples, Jesus just met them and called them. Others were invited or introduced by their friend. And the same applied to us. Some have been invited and become a child of God. Others were born in a New Apostolic family. And others came to church by themselves, they just found the Church. “But the result is always the same. Jesus said, you have not chosen me, I have chosen you,” He continues.
Jesus knows our life and situations
“He knows you today, He knows exactly what’s going on with you. And He’s interested in your life.” For human beings, that’s just not possible, to know everybody and to remember everybody. We are limited in our brains, and in our feelings, we cannot think about everybody always. But, Jesus Christ is God. He has no limits. He knows everybody, He forgets nobody, He neglects nobody.
He knows that we are sinners. And He knows they cannot live without doing sins, because we are human beings and we are just unable to live without committing sins. And Jesus knows that. He will never reproach us to be sinners. The problem is we do not love enough. And gently, He offers us His help to strengthen our faith and to increase our love.
Jesus knows our limits
When God led the people of Israel out of Egypt, He led them to the desert and that was a huge detour, the direct way would have been through the country of the Philistine. But, God knew, they were ready to fight the Philistines, and to avoid the big problem, He asked them to do a big detour. “Jesus knows our limits and sometimes He wants us to make a detour in our life,” explained the Chief Apostle.
We do not have to deal with a man of organization. Jesus is our Lord. He’s God. He is the Faithful One, the Righteous One. Believe it, trust Him, when He asks us to do something, He knows he’s able to do it.
Jesus knows all His Brothers and Sisters
God knows all His children. Their strength and weaknesses. He is aware of our differences. But, Jesus wants us to become one despite our differences. He’s aware of our differences, but He knows, with His help we can become one in Christ. So we cannot pretend that our differences are not for our unity. Jesus knows all of us. And knowing us, precisely knowing us, He tells us, please be one in Christ. And with His help, we can become one.
Jesus also knows the weaknesses of His servants. But, He sanctifies them. They will never be perfect, but Jesus knows how to do to bless us in a perfect manner through imperfect servants. We are aware of the weaknesses of the servants of God. But, trust Him, He can provide you with what you need for salvation through imperfect people.
The Chief Apostle summarized the whole thing in a nutshell, “I come back to the beginning, Jesus is our Lord, He’s God. He knows us. We believe it and we follow Him.”