Apostle Edy Isnugroho once again served the children of God in Sulawesi island, namely in North Sulawesi. The first divine service was held in our church in Tule, Talaud islands. Apostle used the bible text from Romans 14:19
“Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”
Apostle explained that there are 2 kind of peace which must be done, namely peace with God and peace with our neighbour. Afterward we can build the temple of God. If we just remain silent, Apostle emphasized, the peace cannot be manifested.
251 souls attended this service, 31 of them (20 children and 11 brother/sisters) were received Holy Sealing. A wedding blessing was also imparted to a couple. Evangelist Tripinus Gedoan was assigned as the Rector of Tule congregation.
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